Home List

Adopt a dog.
Assemble our wedding photo album.
Buy a house with a yard.
Correct and compile addresses in a real address book/rolodex.
Digitize my own photo archives.
Digitize my parents' photo archives.
Document my family's genealogy. - In Progress, traced all lines back to at least 1850's.
Frame and hang my own photographs in my home.
Hang a map of the world on a wall with pins of places we've been to.
Paint a room in my own home.
Plant a lemon tree in my own yard.
Plant and tend a garden and grow vegetables and herbs.
Plant an hydrangea bush in my own yard.
Plant daffodils in my own yard.
Plant Sterling Silver roses in my own yard.
Print digital prints and compile an album of family images.
Print digital prints and compile an album of wedding images for parents.
Sort through my parents' photo archives and label photos without labels.
Buy local art to display in my home.
Own a vacation home.